
In my working life, I have managed numerous projects - both international and local and worked as a visibility project manager and social media specialist. In various projects and organisations, I have created a variety of events and projects that have supported both visibility and sales. I have experience in writing, evaluating and fundraising projects. I have organised training and advised organisations.
The areas closest to my heart, where I have shared experience and knowledge, have concerned sustainable development, advocacy, making fundraising visible and audible, and story scaffolding. I have also curated a couple of exhibitions, organised charity art auctions, been the main organiser of an international conference, led a cross-border summer school, and conducted smaller and larger round tables and seminars.
And I even got to participate in organising a wedding as an assistant.

If I were to point out the most exciting things, where I have had the pleasure of being at the head of the organising team, "Songs for the Soldier" concert, a charity dinner with the President of the Republic,
"Hoolides homsest" festival about sustainable development, the photo project "Special ordinary Estonians" and counselling women in Tajikistan are some of the few special to me. None of these amazing projects would have come to life without a great team and crew. The best things happen when we act together. I firmly believe that the best result comes from a great team.


I have always been drawn to IT topics. I like to familiarise myself with different IT environments and overcome the challenges there (set by myself of course ;) ).

Do you need to add products, texts, images, and designs to your website? I am the right person for that.
I have managed various online shop environments, added products, and written and translated product descriptions and blog posts.
For various events where I have been part of the organising team, I have designed printed materials, invitations, posters, flyers, place cards, Facebook event covers, social media posts or anything else necessary.
On an average day, as an introvert, I enjoy my quiet time behind my laptop. I like how the formulas added to the cells make the data run in Excel or feel the joy when the code I have tinkered with changes the website to look as I had seen in my head. But there is another passion in me - for more than ten years I have been teaching new parents to enjoy the world of babywearing and consult them on the dozens of questions that parenting brings. I am a certified babywearing consultant and have consulted new parents privately and in groups. As part of this work, I have also organised various workshops, family days, festivals and baby showers. For the last four years, I have been the head of the European Babywearing Day organisation team.
When I was working as a waitress in my early twenties, I received a comment directly from my boss, which I remember from time to time, "you are like Hunt Kriimsilm, the only job that you have not replaced at some point here (in a restaurant/club) is that of an accountant." This comment stuck with me and has guided me in my professional life ever since. I do like to do a lot of different things.

                    Our inspiration!                  

The choice of Milda's name is not accidental. It and Kadri shared a grandmother Milda from Saaremaa, who organised and managed absolutely everything in her large family. One of the most colourful stories of her organisational genius is how she wanted to get from Tallinn to Saaremaa during the Soviet era. Still, unfortunately, all the buses and planes were sold out by that moment. Milda, of course, with her tireless persistence, managed to get herself into the aircraft and on the chair that was next to the pilot's seat, because, well, the cabin was

full after all.
This story is an inspiration and a direction indicator for us, that things must be managed somehow, and that searching for solutions can't end with just the plane being fully sold out.

Milda also had one fierce slogan in her life, for everything she liked, that excited her and made her happy,
she said FANTASTIC!